Brain recovery & cells regeneration
There is a belief that lasted for years that brain cells that had atrophied for one reason or another cannot be replaced and one of the most important reasons for its atrophy was the depression disease, but science has developed amazingly in this field and discovered that the brain can renew its cells again if the patient has been surrounded by a social and healthy environment. Brain recovery after different traumas consists of a long brain cell regeneration process and it can have much better results if it’s sustained by a proper brain supplement.
Scientists are saying that advances in neuroscience led to the discovery of the flexibility of the brain, and its ability to adapt to other conditions and the studies also proved that there is a response and renewal in the neural formation of the cells and communications in case of using medications and psychotherapy, while atrophy may occur if the patient is exposed to anguishes and mental disorders, and pointed out that the prevailing idea was that the neurons and sexual cells will not be renewed if damage or malfunction happened.
In the last five years, it has been discovered that there is a blog in the brain, which means the amazing ability of the brain to adapt and change whether the change is in cells or communications or in chemistry to face the anguishes and intensity of life and in sometimes various diseases, and found that if a person is suffering from anguish or stress or sever frustration then that will be as a result of the cells atrophy, and whenever a person is surrounded by a social and healthy environment this could increase the brain cells and that means a greater ability to learn, focus and remember and to be in a better mood. This can also increase his ability to adapt to the problems and anguishes of life, as well as depending on medications, and can prevent atrophy.
As for the reason for the highly increasing number of women having depression disease in developing and even developed countries, scientists found that mood diseases affect women more than men, because women usually are exposed to many changes and influences more than men, for example at puberty new changes occur and the woman is subjected to the menstrual period, besides that the estrogen hormone works as a protection not only for the heart but also for the mood and in case of this hormone stopped, the woman is prone to depression and of course to brain atrophy, and we can notice today that women began to work like men, but more than that they are doing all the housework too, and thus they are prone to a very severe strain.
There is a new expression that occurred during studying of the brain trophy which is (Head Paralysis), it is a disability related to movement, and it isn’t a disease means it doesn’t contain any pathological form or reaction like disorders, syndromes, and others, and the difference between disorder and disease is that the disorder is the beginning of the actual disease and doesn’t carry any unique form or shape, and that is the reason for the inability of all medical communities to describe it because it is already something that does not contain any special form to be described with, and that is the secret of knowledge confusion which consumed a lot of academic time and drained much of the scientific capacity to break scientific laws and traditions.
Scientists pointed out that the latest discovery in the field of treatment is the depression medications that stop the atrophy of the neurons in the brain and increase the communications inside the nerve tissue, which makes the human in a better mode.

Traumatic Brain Injuries
Injuries to the head are very frequent as a result of traffic accidents, assaults, and falls. If the brain is affected, the injury is serious. Traumatic brain injuries can be classified according to the effect of trauma in two categories: acceleration/deceleration injuries and impact injuries.
Acceleration/deceleration injuries
Diffuse Neuronal Injuries: This is a result of sudden acceleration/deceleration movement of the head and is characterized by diffuse neuronal damage involving the brain stem and brain cells. There are widespread intracellular disturbances and conduction defects at synaptic junctions.
Diffuse Axonal Injuries: This is encountered in those situations where rotational strains produced during impact to the head damage the blood vessels and axons. There is stretching of the axons due to head motion and therefore loss of functions. They occur in severe head injuries and due to repeated jolts as in boxing.
Subdural Hematoma: This is a collection of blood in the subdural space and is more common in assaults and falls.
Impact injuries
Cerebral Concussion: Also called stunning, followed by head injuries is characterized by gross physiological disturbances of brain function due to diffuse neuronal injury but with little or no naked eye lesion or anatomical changes. There is a sudden loss of consciousness but the tendency to spontaneous recovery is possible. Concussion severity depends on physical stress to neurons or repeated blows so it may wholly or partially be reversible or may prove fatal. Recovery from a concussion is sometimes followed by retrograde amnesia which is a condition in which the patient losses memory.
Cerebral Contusions: These result from leakage of blood from traumatically ruptured blood vessels and are most commonly found in the frontal and temporal regions of the brain. There are small punctate or streak-like hemorrhages and associated destruction of brain cells and tissues with or without edema and are mostly associated with a skull fracture.
Cerebral Laceration: It is one of the most common causes of raised intracranial pressure and may also be related to diffuse neuronal injury and concussion. Damage to brain cells results in leakage and accumulation of fluid within the brain.
Intracranial Hemorrhages:
Epidural Hemorrhage: It means bleeding between the dura and skull and is almost invariably traumatic. It is associated with skull fracture also but except in infants and women in which dura is strongly attached to the inner surface of the skull. Symptoms are slow in onset.
Subdural hemorrhages: Subdural hemorrhage occurs between the dura and arachnoid surfaces and may be due to the tearing of the cortical vein or damage to the dural sinuses. It may be acute, subacute, or chronic.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhages: This is bleeding within the subarachnoid space. Although it is more common with a natural disease than trauma, the most frequent traumatic causes are an explosive blast, asphyxia by strangulation or traumatic asphyxia, prolong hyperextension of the head, or damage to vertebral arteries.
Intracerebral hemorrhage: It is though non-traumatic brain injury but physical exertion or emotional excitement may precipitate. It may be the result of a laceration and is common in old age.