The Health Benefits of Food
Food is the mainstay of our life and body. We are alive because of the food we eat. Without food, we cannot survive more than a week. Food is needed in every phase of our life. Even if we are in the womb of our mother, we need food to develop. Without sufficient nutrients in a mother’s diet, an infant could not survive. If he survives, he may develop a number of fatal diseases. There are countless benefits of foods.
Healthy Food Provide Live to Our Body
If we eat healthy food, it helps us to live long and live happily. It keeps our body active and vigorous. A healthy diet characteristically engrosses the eating of proper amounts of all nutrients, over and above an adequate amount of water too. Nutrients are usually acquired from different sorts of foods. The necessity is to be aware of good foods and their benefit.
Food Provides Essential Nutrients
If food is healthy and well balanced, it will provide you with all the essential nutrients which our body requires on daily basis. The different kinds of nutrients found in foods are as follow:
Carbohydrates: They are the richest source of energy for our body. They enable us to carry out strenuous and different tasks easily.
Proteins: They are needed to make our muscle mass and to make them strong. Their components amino acids are required for the growth and repair of the parts and tissues of the body
Lipids: These are also needed in the formation of membranes of the cell and to provide energy to the body
Vitamins: Vitamins hold much importance for our body and without them, the body suffers from various dangerous diseases. Not only they are required for growth but also they act to remove toxins and free radicals from our bodies.
Minerals: They are compulsory to maintain electrolyte balance, and fluid balance, and to provide energy to our body.
These nutrients in foods are very imperative for the deterrence of many never-ending diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and cancer.
Prevent From Diseases
If we eat healthy food that contains all the needed nutrients, then we will be saved from many diseases. We will be protected from malnutrition and starvation. When a person does not get enough food, he starts declining both physically and mentally. You will see a clear difference between a person who eats well and a person who is food-deprived. A food-deprived person will look like an old person even though he is not of older age; his/her skin will be lax while he will look like a skeleton having no mass on the body. All his/her looks will deteriorate while he will be weak and susceptible to a number of diseases and infections.
Food Makes your Immune System Strong
When you eat food, energy will be delivered to all parts of the body. All the cells and tissues when fully fed will work properly. Likewise, a strong body will possess a strong immune system and an ability to fight against any kind of infection or disease. As a whole, the body will be healthy, radiant, and well-built if the food you eat is healthy and regular.
Sources of Food
Food comes from two origins, animals, and plants. Foods of plant origin are vegetables and fruits while of animal origin are meat, chicken, milk, egg, etc. They provide you with a good source of healthy food. Vegetables and fruits are considered superior in giving you good nutrients.

Cinnamon Benefits
Can cinnamon actually be more than just a flavorful spice? We normally think of it as something sweet. Something we put in our hot cocoa or use to spice up a breakfast coffee cake. However, in addition to its sweetness capabilities and guilty pleasure reputation, experts have strong evidence and research that show cinnamon’s true overall health benefits.
So where did cinnamon come from? History shows that it originates from an island just southeast of India, called Sri Lanka. It is the inner bark of several types of trees. It was considered to be a luxury spice, expensive, and precious. Since its discovery thousands and thousands of years ago, it has now been spread globally for consumption, produced commercially in plantations, and is a common household spice.
Cinnamon all over the world has been proven to hold substantial amounts of antioxidant properties, antibacterial assets, and anti-fungal benefits. It also carries a great amount of fiber, calcium, iron, and manganese.
Experts have shown that Cinnamon can help in reducing the risk of heart disease, lowering cholesterol, treating type II Diabetes, lowering blood sugar levels, alleviating migraine pain, reducing arthritis pain, assisting and promoting a healthy digestive tract, controlling diarrhea, helping with dental pain and toothaches, cure halitosis (bad breath), and even help fight the common cold.
Let’s take a closer look at these health benefits, why cinnamon is a major contributor to fighting these ailments and conditions, and how to use cinnamon to its full potential.
Cinnamon can reduce the risk of heart disease because it contains high amounts of protein and calcium that many believes provides protection for the heart.
Studies have shown that diabetes patients, who consume at least ½ teaspoon or more a day of cinnamon, have an overall improvement in their glucose level and insulin sensitivity.
Adding just a ½ teaspoon a day of cinnamon to your daily diet can reduce your cholesterol levels significantly.
A homeopathic remedy of applying cinnamon and water to the temples of the forehead has been shown to help alleviate headaches and control migraines. Consuming cinnamon as a beverage or mixing the paste mentioned above and applying it to joints, has been shown in some individuals to relieve arthritis pain.
If an individual is experiencing menstrual cramps, digestive problems such as diarrhea, or even morning sickness, it has been shown in recent studies that consuming cinnamon in small amounts can alleviate these symptoms.
To fight tooth pain, decay, or bad breath, experts recommend chewing cinnamon gum or gargling with cinnamon water.
There are so many health benefits to cinnamon and the list could go on forever. It is a natural substance that aids us in our daily lives, whether we consume it daily to reduce our risks of long-term diseases, or whether we use it as a homeopathic remedy to alleviate pain, it has great paybacks. Cinnamon is more than just a sweet spice to enhance our desserts, beverages, and meals; it has full-body health benefits. Take advantage of this lovely, natural, and sweet spice, and enjoy the wonderful rewards of spicing it up with cinnamon!

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits
Apple Cider Vinegar has helped the human body to promote and prevent a lot of diseases from going inside the human body. To this day, apple cider vinegar is more than just for cooking, it has been found useful in cleaning, disinfecting, and medical remedies.
Different types of vinegar have been used for over five thousand years and some of those different types of vinegar are distilled white vinegar which is the most powerful one and the one that is usually recommended for making homemade medical remedies. Some people that make homemade medical remedies prefer apple cider vinegar over distilled white vinegar.
Over the centuries, apple cider vinegar has been used to clean coffee makers, make pickles, kill weeds, polish armor, and as an ingredient in salad dressing. It also can be a remedy for anything the body suffers from.
Apple cider vinegar is made from the nutrients of organically grown apples and retains many of the fruit’s beneficial components because raw apple cider vinegar is not pasteurized. Its two fermentation processes produce enzymes and life-giving nutrients that make apple cider vinegar the powerhouse that it is in homemade medical remedies.
Clear vinegar is not good to be used in homemade medical remedies due to the fact that it has been stripped of all its health benefits for the body. Clear vinegar can be bad for your health due to the fact that it is dead instead of alive. Organic raw apple cider vinegar has what it takes to be beneficial in the terms of ingredients in homemade medical remedies. Apple Cider Vinegar is made up of living bacteria and nutrients.
These ingredients in apple cider vinegar can help us feel better, look better, and feel energized. Some of the main ingredients in apple cider vinegar are potassium which helps to prevent brittle teeth, hair loss, leg cramps, and runny noses, pectin which helps to regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol, malic acid which is good for giving the apple cider vinegar the properties it needs to be anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal, calcium which is good to make strong teeth and bones, ash which gives apple cider vinegar its alkaline properties which aids your body in maintaining proper PH levels for a healthy alkaline state, and Acetic Acid which is good for slowing the digestion of starches which can help to lower the rise in glucose that commonly occurs after meals.
One tablespoon in four ounces of water can help the body to prevent heartburn, help bowels get on the regular track, remove harmful free radical tonics from the body, clean up skin conditions and blemishes, may help with joint pain and stiffness, and break down fats so that the body can use them instead of store them.
Raw organic apple cider vinegar is even good for pets by helping to control fleas and giving them a healthy shiny coat.
The best way to make a powerful apple cider vinegar drink is by mixing up two tablespoons of organic raw apple cider vinegar with one gallon of water and harvested honey, sweetening to your taste. Remember that the vinegar will settle at the bottom of the pitcher, so make sure to stir it up before drinking this mixture.

Chocolate Benefits
“Chocolate will rot your teeth and make you fat!” I am sure you have heard this several times in your life, whether it is from your Mother, your Dentist, a Best Friend, or the Media. Why does chocolate have such a bad reputation? Most likely because it tastes so good and as with all good things in life, many of them are said to be bad for us. Surprisingly, chocolate is actually one of those good things in life that are actually good for us! Unfortunately, many of us abuse it, and therefore, chocolate gets a bad reputation. A hamburger is actually good for you, once in a while, but if you overdo it, you can suffer the consequences of gaining weight. As with everything, moderation is the key to being able to live a healthy, happy, and productive life, regardless of the substance or food being consumed.
So back to chocolate, how is it beneficial to me? Chocolate has many health benefits that both men and women can take advantage of. First, let’s take a look at chocolate in history. Over 2,000 years ago, the lovely sweet taste of the cacao tree, was discovered in the rainforests of the Americas. Ancient cultures from Mexico and South America used cacao to make sweet drinks. This was later found by the Spanish, who spread the popularity of chocolate and its tastiness globally. Over time and with technology, chocolate has become one of the most desired “sweets” in society.
Other than the fact that chocolate tastes good, how can it benefit us from a health perspective? We all have heard that dark chocolate is more beneficial than milk chocolate. This is because the higher the percentage of cocoa in a bar, the higher the health benefits. When we add milk, additives, chemicals, etc., we decrease the health benefits of chocolate. With that said, darker chocolate is better for you because when producing milk or white chocolate, certain additives and chemicals are added to the ingredients list and so this reduces the benefits that the purity of chocolate offers. To put this into perspective, if you wanted to make chicken noodle soup, what recipe do you think would be more beneficial to the consumer:
- Boil organic chicken breasts, use the remaining liquid for broth, and add vegetables and noodles.
- Heat canned Chicken Noodle Soup over medium heat.
I think it is pretty clear. You would choose the first option, boil your own chicken, and add your own vegetables and noodles, to ensure the greatest nutritional value. This is how chocolate works. The more you process chocolate (white chocolate, milk chocolate, etc.), the more nutrients are taken out, and therefore, you lose a substantial amount of health benefits when eating processed chocolate (i.e. milk chocolate, white chocolate, etc.).
We now know that dark chocolate is the preferred chocolate to consume when looking for health benefits. But what exactly are the health benefits of chocolate? Here is a brief list of some of the amazing rewards you can receive from chocolate:
Remember I said earlier that we hear the saying, “Chocolate will rot your teeth”? Well, it actually turns out that cacao has antibacterial agents that actually help reduce tooth decay. Again, this is when dark chocolate or chocolate in its most pure form is best for you. Adding sugar and milk to chocolate reduces its benefits.
We have heard that chocolate is an aphrodisiac. This is somewhat true. Scientists have found that the carbohydrates in chocolate actually raise the serotonin levels in the brain, making you feel happy.
In addition to consuming chocolate to make you feel content and happy, research has also shown that the smell of chocolate can actually make you feel relaxed.
Dark chocolate is considered a Superfood, filled with flavonoids and theobromine, which are healthy chemicals that kill off diseases.
Studies have shown that consuming at least 2 servings of dark chocolate a week can improve blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart failure, heart attack, and stroke.
Another recent study has shown that women who ate dark chocolate while pregnant were able to handle stress more so than those women who did not consume the sweet. Doctors also found that babies from women who ate dark chocolate while pregnant seemed happier.
Chocolate can actually soothe the throat. One study found that chocolate had almost the same effect as codeine when it came to soothing and quieting a cough. The “feel good” chemical theobromine is thought to be responsible for this effect.
These are just a handful of the benefits chocolate can offer you. The list of health benefits from chocolate goes on and on, depending on how you consume the sweet. It is now safe to say that chocolate can come off of your “do not consume” list and put on your “Superfoods to keep handy” list!

Coffee Benefits
Coffee: We start our day with a cup, enjoy another cup mid-afternoon for a “pick me up” at work, and then maybe have a final cup when settling down for the evening. In fact, many of us enjoy more than just three cups of coffee a day. What is it that makes coffee so good? Some people say the caffeine is why it tastes so good, some say it’s the actual coffee bean and where it came from, and others say it’s how it was brewed and prepared. Indeed, coffee tastes delicious, but more importantly, coffee also offers us a wide variety of health benefits!
It has been said that coffee has been used by societies since the 13th century, originally discovered in Ethiopia. Its popularity quickly spread throughout Egypt and by the 16th century, coffee was well known in the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. Many believe that the popularity of coffee came from its energizing assets. Over the past 100 years, coffee houses have sprouted up in nearly every community and coffee has become a commodity crop worldwide. Throughout history, coffee has teetered from being an enjoyable and sometimes even medicinal beverage to a product that some governments, religious groups, and activists have banned. However, in the last 50 years, scientists have taken a closer look at coffee and have found some interesting facts about the little bean.
The main component of coffee that we are familiar with is caffeine. This is what gives us that boost of energy after drinking a “Cup of Joe”. But there are more benefits to consuming the beverage than just feeling energized or reducing stress. Here is a list of health benefits that coffee has to offer us:
Consuming coffee regularly has been shown to reduce the risk of diseases such as Parkinson’s, Gallbladder disease, and Alzheimer’s.
Studies have shown that coffee also lowers the risk of liver cancer.
Individuals who have difficulty breathing, such as asthmatics, have found that consuming coffee can actually assist in “opening” their airways during an attack.
Coffee is considered to be a Superfood because of its powerful antioxidants, offering great anti-aging benefits.
Migraine sufferers have found that consuming coffee during a migraine can actually help reduce pain. The caffeine in coffee is believed to have some aid in this and caffeine is actually a common ingredient in most drugstore painkillers.
A recent study by Harvard Medical School has shown that regular coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer from prostate, colon, and breast cancer.
Coffee also acts as a diuretic, in the sense that it helps flush the kidneys out and rid the body of toxins and waste.
Coffee has been shown to improve brain function and memory in individuals who consumed the beverage at least 2-3 times a day.
So whether you like your coffee black, with cream, with sugar, or both, it is obvious that it comes with great health benefits when we drink it daily. Again, as with many things, consuming coffee in moderation, and adding cream and sugar does decrease some of its benefits.

Cocoa Benefits
For over three thousand years, cocoa has been a part of our diet. Cocoa originated from the Amazon and then its popularity spread north towards North America and then over to Europe. It has been used to make chocolate, and beverages, as an ingredient in many dessert recipes, and in some cases, as a medicinal use and beauty remedy.
Cocoa receives its health benefits mainly from the flavonoids that act as powerful antioxidants that can assist in preventing certain diseases, repair damaged cells, and physically and emotionally make you feel better.
As chocolate is probably the most popular form of consuming cocoa, researchers have shown that actually drinking cocoa is the best way to receive all the nutritional benefits it has to offer. Do not feel guilty when you are brewing up that cup of hot cocoa! So what are the most important health benefits cocoa can offer? Here is a brief list:
- The flavonoids in cocoa are excellent for maintaining a healthy cholesterol level. They also assist in decreasing high blood pressure and improving blood vessel flow.
- Research has shown that the powerful flavonoids in cocoa have helped reduce the risk of diabetes as well as lower one’s risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Some researchers believe that the cocoa bean’s place of origin, which is normally a warm and tropical climate, is responsible for the little bean’s high amount of antioxidants. These high levels of antioxidants and flavonoids have put cocoa on the list of Superfoods we should all incorporate into our diet.
- A recent study showed that cocoa contains more than 600 chemicals that help fight diseases and conditions such as cancer, rheumatism, and stress.
- Research has shown that individuals, who drink cocoa on a regular basis, have smoother and brighter skin.
- Research has also shown that cocoa has more antioxidants and is more successful at lowering blood pressure than most teas.
- The chemical phenylethylamine (PEA), which is found in cocoa, has been determined by researchers to be a mood “up-lifter” and is thought by many to be the chemical that is linked to giving us that “falling in love” feeling.
- A recent study was conducted on cocoa and weight loss. It turns out that just getting a whiff of cocoa, can actually suppress one’s appetite.
- Utilize cocoa’s antioxidants by mixing them with honey, oatmeal, and yogurt to create an anti-aging facial mask.
- Hot cocoa has been proven to be therapeutic by scientists for individuals suffering from depression and anxiety.
As you can see, cocoa has many benefits and is a superfood that almost all of us would simply love to add to our daily diet. It is that guilty pleasure that is actually a great food that we should not feel guilty about consuming! Remember to enjoy with moderation. Doctors have claimed that the average individual should only consume 6.7 grams of cocoa per day. To get the full benefits from cocoa, try and consume the purest and rawest forms of powder or chocolate. When milk and sugar are added, it loses quite a bit of its nutritional value.

Eggs Benefits
We have all heard the phrase from the American Egg Board, “The incredible, edible egg”. But what is so incredible about it? It seems like every day we are told or see how bad eggs are for us, how they increase bad cholesterol, increase our risk of diabetes, and are said to have been linked to heart attacks, strokes, and certain cancers. So should we be eating them? The answer is yes.
According to many historians, humans have been raising chickens for food and eggs since the beginning of civilization. Eggs have been an essential part of our diets for thousands and thousands of years, and have not been scrutinized until recently in the media, due to society’s obsession with fad diets, weight loss, and animal rights controversies. The truth of the matter is that eggs are extremely beneficial to our health in many ways.
We hear repeatedly that the consumption of eggs negatively impacts our cholesterol levels. Research has shown that eating only one to two eggs a day, can actually improve cholesterol levels. The key is to eat eggs in moderation. Of course, if you have a six-egg omelet every morning, your doctor will not be happy and your cholesterol levels may skyrocket through the roof. So again, eat in moderation. Recent studies have also shown that eating two or fewer eggs a day can impact our bodies positively in fighting off certain diseases and negative conditions, such as breast cancer, heart attacks, and strokes.
In addition to the egg being beneficial to our heart and cholesterol levels, consuming eggs regularly can also help maintain healthy eyes. Macular degeneration is something many of us fear as we age, losing one’s eyesight can cause great anxiety and distress as well as the feeling of losing our independence. Studies have shown that eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which have been found to be great nutritional supplements for macular degeneration patients and possibly help reduce the risk of early onset of the disease in individuals. In the United States, in individuals over the age of 65, age-related macular generation is the leading cause of blindness. Another study has shown that individuals, who consume eggs daily, have a lower risk of developing cataracts.
Eggs are also an excellent source of protein. They contain 6 grams of protein and 9 amino acids. They also contain “good” fat. One egg has 5 grams of fat and just 1.5 grams of that is saturated fat. In fact, eggs also contain an important antioxidant called selenium, which has been shown to reduce clots in arteries.
Choline, vitamin D, sulfur, and other vitamins and minerals found in eggs, are excellent for fetal brain development, those at risk for anemia, strong bones, a healthy immune system, and healthy hair, skin, and nails.
For individuals looking to keep their waistline trim, eggs can help in this area as well! It has been shown in research that individuals who ate two eggs at breakfast time, at least 5 days a week, lost significantly more weight than individuals who had a carbohydrate-filled breakfast. As mentioned earlier, eggs contain a significant amount of protein and amino acids, which can help promote muscle repair for individuals post-workout.
The “incredible, edible, egg” sounds pretty incredible now, doesn’t it? Whether you prefer your eggs scrambled, poached, sunny-side up, over easy, hard-boiled, or soft-boiled, the egg is a wonderful addition to your daily diet that can reduce your risk of harmful diseases and improve your overall health.

Honey Benefits
“A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside” – Winnie the Pooh. It’s true! Honey makes everyone feel better, it just tastes so good! Whether we use it in our tea, drizzle it over toast, or incorporate it in recipes, honey tastes amazing! Honey is actually one of the most natural and popular forms of food worldwide. In history, it has been used not only as food, but also as an ingredient in cement, used as furniture varnish, and even for medicinal purposes when treating burns and skin ulcers.
Other than its delightful and sweet taste, does honey offer us any health benefits if consumed on a regular basis? Research has shown that honey does, in fact, benefit us in many ways. In honey’s natural form, it has 21 amino acids, B-Complex vitamins, 14 minerals, 11 enzymes, and a long list of additional vitamins such as C, D, E, and K. A few of the very important minerals for our body that are in honey are magnesium, iron, potassium, and calcium. Honey also contains many antioxidants which are believed to be the root of honey’s natural healing reputation. In addition to these beneficial vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes, honey is high in soluble fiber, making it helpful to our digestive systems. Honey has been known to heal diseases, reduce body pain, and even assist in anti-aging. Here are a few key health benefits that honey offers us:
- Honey has been known to be beneficial for asthmatic patients in breathing if consumed as a beverage with certain spices.
- Research shows that honey is a natural pain reliever. In honey research studies, participants have expressed that honey has helped alleviate and reduce pain caused by menstrual cramps, sore throat, and even blisters or skin sores.
- Honey is also a natural antiseptic. When applied, it can treat wounds, kill off bacteria, and help aid in the healing process of wounds.
- When honey is consumed by pregnant women, it has been shown that the honey gives the woman and fetus more energy during the pregnancy. Consuming honey with papaya juice can also aid in breastfeeding because it has been linked to increased breast milk.
- As with many foods that are high in antioxidants, honey has been linked to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and cancer, lowering cholesterol levels and preventing osteoporosis.
- Honey is very beneficial to the nervous system because of its high levels of B-Complex vitamins.
- Honey can also be used as a beauty product for the skin. Mixed with scrub it makes an excellent facial wash. Mix with egg whites and you have a wonderful face mask. Honey can also be used to treat dry skin, illuminate dull hair, and chapped lips, and cure bad breath when mixed with warm water, and used as a mouthwash.
As you can see, there are so many benefits of honey; it’s amazing that something so beneficial can be made by such a small little insect! So however you decide to consume honey, whether it be just a spoonful a day or on your morning toast, it’s a great idea to make it part of your daily routine!

Kefir Benefits
Kefir is known as a miracle food that has been around for many centuries and it is also known as a super probiotic source. With its rich probiotic content, it automatically has a positive effect on our bodies.
Kefir is a fermented milk drink that is made from Kefir grains that originated with shepherds of the North Caucasus region, who discovered the fresh milk carried in the leather pouch would ferment into a carbonated beverage. Kefir has also been known by these names: Kefirs, Keefir, Kerphia, Kewra, Talai, Mudu Kekiya, Milk Kefir, and Bulgaros.
Here is a list of health benefits that Kefir has helped our bodies with they are the strongest natural remedy for any type of allergic, the strongest natural antibodies without any side effects, treats liver disease, treats gallbladder, dissolves gall bladder stones, cleans the body of salts and alcoholic products, cleans the body of chemical antibodies, treats kidney stones, lower the levels of the bad cholesterol, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, helps with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, treats gastritis, treats pancreatitis, treats ulcers, prevents and treats colon cancer, improves digestion, improves body function, treats heart disease, cleans out the blood vessels to the heart, and the list goes on because there are over eighty healthy benefits that Kefir helps the body with.
It is made with given a cow, sheep, or goat Kefir grain to eat, and Kefir was made in skin bags that were hung near a doorway; the skin bag would be hit by anyone passing through the doorway to help keep the milk and kefir grains well mixed.
Kefir is a breakfast, lunch, and dinner drink popular across all areas of Eastern and Northern Europe. Kefir commonly known as Yogurt de Pajaritos (bird’s yogurt) is also consumed in Chile, where it may have been introduced by any of the various waves of migrant workers from the former Ottoman Empire and migrants from Eastern Europe.
One can change the nutrient content by either shortening or longer periods, possibly with each stage providing a different set of values. For instance, kefir that is left over-ripened increases the sour taste and increases folic acid content.
The kefiran in Kefir has been shown in one study to suppress an increase in blood pressure and reduce the serum cholesterol levels in rats. Kefir contains compounds that have antimutagenic and antioxidant properties in vitro, although it is not established that these compounds have any physiological properties where Kefir is consumed.
As it contains yeast, Kefir can be made into sourdough bread and can be used as a buttermilk substitute in baking. Kefir is the main ingredient in Lithuanian cold beet soup called Saltibarsciai or commonly known as cold borscht. Other varieties of soups made with kefir and food that has kefir in it are popular across the former Soviet Union and Poland. Kefir has been substituted for milk on cereal or grains. Kefir grains will ferment milk substitutes such as soy milk, rice milk, and coconut milk as well as other sugary liquids such as fruit juice, coconut water, and ginger beer.

Kombucha Benefits
Kombucha is a beverage that the ancient Chinese called the “Immortal Health Elixir”. This beverage has been around for more than two thousand years and has a rich history of fighting and preventing cancer, arthritis, and other degenerative diseases.
Made from sweetened tea that has been fermented by a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, Kombucha didn’t gain prominence in the West until just recently. In the first half of the twentieth century, extensive scientific research was done on Kombucha in Russia and Germany. Mostly, because of the push to find a cure for cancer and of the rising rates due to the disease. Russian scientists discovered that the whole country was immune to cancer and hypothesized that Kombucha was the cause behind it. They began a series of experiments that not only verified that Kombucha was the cause, but they began to pinpoint the exact compounds that were beneficial for cancer.
It was only in the 1990s, that Kombucha came to the United States, that the West had done studies on the effects of Kombucha and the stands are quite a few in numbers. As is the case in the United States, no major medical studies have been done because no one in the drug industry stands to profit from the research of a beverage that people can make for fifty cents a gallon.
Here is a list of what health problems Kombucha helps the body with they detoxify the liver, increase metabolism, improves digestion, rebuild connective tissues, cancer prevention, prevents constipation, boost energy levels, helps with fatigue, reduce blood pressure, relieves headache, and migraines, reduce kidney stones, high in antioxidants, destroys free radical that cause cancer, improves eyesight, softens the skin, prevents arteriosclerosis, speeding the healing of ulcers, aids healthy cell regeneration, reduces gray hair, and lowers glucose levels.
Here are some of the health benefits of Kombucha and they are the detoxification of healthy livers, cancer prevention, preventing of and treating all types of arthritis, and a probiotic beverage that helps the digestive system to improve and reduce or eliminate the symptoms of depression. Kombucha is a rich source of antioxidants that helps to boost the immune system and energy levels.
Kombucha gives the body what it needs to heal itself by aiding the liver in removing harmful substances, promoting balance in your digestive system, and being rich in health providing vitamins, enzymes, and acids. The general consensus seems to be that with regular consumption of this drink, you will notice improvements in your immune system and energy levels within a week, the healing of minor ailments within a month or so, and the healing of more radical illnesses within a year or so.
Remember, that this is a beverage that claims to cure almost everything that is wrong with your body, and please remember before starting to consume this beverage to talk to your doctor about what you have read in this article. Ask your doctor what he thinks of Kombucha and listen to what he or she says.

Milk Benefits
There are two kinds of milk that can be consumed by humans: processed and unprocessed, also known as pasteurized, and raw milk. However, there has been quite a controversy in the media and from government officials and departments across the world, on what type of milk we should consume. Many societies across the world are banning or regulating unprocessed/raw milk from human consumption.
So what is the difference between processed and unprocessed milk? Pasteurized or processed milk is what you see sold in grocery stores and supermarkets. This milk is taken from its raw and most natural state, heated to a certain temperature to kill all bacteria, and then quickly cooled. This process helps prolong the shelf life of the milk you purchase in stores, however, many people believe that consuming pasteurized milk is detrimental to your health because of its lack of nutrients and vitamins from the pasteurization process. Raw or unprocessed milk is the purest form of milk, completely unaltered from the cow. The milk’s temperature never increases above the animal’s maximum body temperature; it does not contain any chemicals or additives and is not pasteurized.
Contrary to popular belief, consuming raw or unprocessed milk can actually be very beneficial to the human body for many reasons. In many areas of the United States, the Department of Food and Agriculture has put regulations on farms from selling raw or unprocessed milk, in fear that consumption may cause illnesses from bacteria, such as E. coli. It has been thought that consuming raw or unprocessed milk can cause damage to the kidneys, cause digestive problems, and in some cases, even death. However, many pro-raw milk organizations and advocates are trying to spread awareness of the benefits of raw milk, and how if produced correctly, can safely offer humans a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals.
So what is safely produced raw milk and what are the key benefits? Experts believe and have shown proof that cows that are grass-fed, as opposed to being fed on feedlots, produce milk with five times more unsaturated fat, also called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), than cows that are grain-fed. Animal research in the past has shown that CLA can help maintain a healthy weight as well as a healthy heart. This is saying that if the cow is fed a natural and organic diet as opposed to processed grains, then the milk produced from that cow, will be healthier than from a cow that is fed processed food. The majority of milk that is purchased and consumed today by most Americans is processed milk. Activists like to use the term “dead” milk for processed milk because they believe it lacks the nutrients and vitamins that we as humans should be consuming. It appears that most Americans are not aware of how beneficial raw milk can be, mainly because we are told by the media and government officials how dangerous raw milk is, rather than what the key benefits are.
By consuming raw milk from a grass-fed cow, individuals can gain the following health benefits:
- Raw milk has proteins that are easy to digest.
- Raw milk has “good” bacteria that help fight disease-carrying organisms. Some researchers believe that raw milk is an excellent probiotic for digestion.
- Studies have shown that raw milk can prevent scurvy, pneumonia, the flu, and other common illnesses.
- Raw milk is an excellent source of calcium and in some forms such as raw cream or butter, has been shown to improve joint pain and discomfort.
- Pasteurized milk destroys key enzymes and amino acids our bodies need to function properly. Raw milk has 20 of the essential amino acids we need. Pasteurization also kills many of the natural enzymes that help create and develop calcium
- Pasteurization kills off important vitamins such as B6, B12, and C.
In conclusion, raw milk may carry the reputation that because it has not gone through the pasteurization process, it can be potentially harmful for human consumption because of disease-carrying organisms. However, if produced from grass-fed animals, raw or unprocessed milk can be highly beneficial to our bodies, our overall health, and life longevity.

Raisins Benefits
“I heard it through the grapevine…..” is most likely the lyrics many of us think of when we think about raisins. It wasn’t until the mid to late 1980s that raisins suddenly became a fun and popular food to snack on. This was the result of an advertising campaign created by the California Raisin Advisory Board, to find a way to promote the sale of raisins. The campaign consisted of a fictional R&B group of Raisins who sang Motown music called the “California Raisins”.
The campaign was so successful that many of the items created for the campaign are actually in the Smithsonian Institution collection. This was a great campaign because not many people, especially kids, thought of raisins as an appetizing snack. With the help of the fictional raisin musical group, raisins became a common and tasty snack in households worldwide. Raisins are definitely tasty, however, there are more than a handful of health benefits raisins offer us, a list that even the “California Raisins” did not sing about.
To learn about the benefits of raisins, we need to understand what they are and where they actually came from first. Raisins are dried grapes, often sugary in taste, and have a shriveled appearance. Out of all dried fruits, raisins have been considered to be the most nutritional. They are high in fiber, free of fat and cholesterol, and have a low sodium amount. Raisins also carry a good source of fructose, which in turn, gives us a quick boost of energy after consuming the dried fruit.
Here is a list of several of the benefits that raisins can offer to us:
- For individuals who suffer from anemia, consuming raisins can greatly improve their condition. Raisins are very rich in iron, which is a very important mineral that anemic individuals need to consistently replenish their bodies.
- Studies have shown that raisins may prevent the growth of cancerous cells as well as reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Raisins are kind in the eyes! Raisins carry certain organic components of plants called phytonutrients and polyphenols. These are similar to antioxidants. These organic components help rid the body of free radicals, which are a major cause of macular degeneration. Consuming raisins regularly can help you maintain healthy eyes as well as reduce your risk of macular degeneration.
- As mentioned earlier, the “California Raisins” campaign helped bring awareness and popularity to the general public in raising health and consumption. The cartoon-like characters in the campaign were liked by children across the world. This resulted in children actually wanting to eat the dried fruit, which of course appeased parents. Not just parents were happy about this, Dentists were too. Consuming raisins, especially when consumed by young children, can actually prevent tooth decay, gingivitis, and cavities!
- Have a fever? Raisin’s Phenolic Phytonutrients can help bring down a fever and help fight viral infections.
Isn’t it amazing that something so tiny and so wrinkled can have so many great health benefits? It also helps that they are so affordable. So throw a few raisins on your morning oatmeal or pack a small bag of them in your lunch. You will enjoy the sweet little snack and see the health benefits in no time!

Sea Kelp Benefits
Different types of kelp have been eaten for nutritional value for over a thousand years. The Chinese used kelp and other types of seaweed for medicine as far back as 3,000 B.C. People in Greece used kelp to feed their cattle around the first century B.C. and kelp has been the main staple for Icelanders for centuries. The Hawaiian nobles have grown gardens full of edible seaweed and kelp was used in Europe and Great Britain as fertilizer to nourish the soil and to assist plant growth.
Sea Kelp is a type of brown seaweed that is moderate in size and grows in the cold waters off the coastlines of northern Europe and the northwest United States. Kelp belongs to the Fucacae family and other names for Fucus Vesiculosus are kelpware, black tang, bladder fucus, cut weed, and bladderwrack. The main ingredients of kelp are phenolic, compounds, mucopolysaccharides, algin, polar lipids, n glycosyl ester diglycerides. The plant also contains proteins, carbohydrates, and essential fatty acids.
There are several types of kelp which are true kelp which thrives in the cooler water, giant kelp, and bladder kelp. Bladder kelp grows in the North Pacific Sea and giant kelp is named that because this type of kelp grows to the height of two hundred and thirteen feet. Kelp plants plant themselves on rocky surfaces with tentacle-like roots and from these roots grow a slender stalk with long, leaf-like blades.
Kelp also contains these thirty minerals and they are iodine, calcium, sulfur, silicon, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, manganese, chloride, copper, zinc, manganese, barium, boron, chromium, lithium, nickel, silver, titanium, vanadium, aluminum, strontium, bismuth, chlorine, cobalt, gallium, tin, and zirconium. Kelp also contains these vitamins: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, and the B Complex Vitamin.
The highest properties of these vitamins and minerals are found in the tissues of the kelp since kelp is such a valuable source of nutrients. It is often suggested to be used as a dietary supplement, especially for people with mineral deficiencies.
Eating dietary kelp may be the reason for the low rate of breast cancer in Japanese women and for the low rate of heart disease, respiratory problems, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal disease, and thyroid disease.
If adjusting your diet and adequate exercise hasn’t helped you reach your dream weight, there might be an unlined reason and that is your thyroid isn’t doing its job. Other symptoms of thyroid problems are bad complexion, fatigue, forgetfulness, loss of sex drive, impotence, irritability, and unhealthy hair, teeth, and nails. You can normalize an underactive thyroid by increasing your intake of the mineral iodine.
This amazing seaweed contains more vitamins and minerals than any other food does. Because of its natural content of iodine, kelp has a normalizing effect on the thyroid gland. Thin people with thyroid problems can actually gain weight by consuming kelp and obese people can lose weight by using kelp in their diet.

Spirulina Benefits
Spirulina consists of one or more members of a family of blue-green algae. The name of this plant was inspired by the way the plants array themselves as they grow. It grows in the salt lakes of Mexico and on the African continent.
It reproduces quickly and because of the way that the individual plants tend to stick together, the Spirulina plant is easy to harvest.
Records as far back as the Spanish conquistadors that the Aztecs used Spirulina as a food source and we know that Kanembu people of Central Africa harvested Spirulina from now are called Lake Chad.
If a person feels tired or mentally drained, taking Spirulina can help the person quickly and they will have more energy than they did before. Taking it is helpful to a person for these reasons they are rich in antioxidants, boosts energy and cellular health, is made of sixty percent easy to digest, all-vegetable protein, is a rare food source of the essential fatty acid GLA, is high in Vitamin B12, and is high in easy to absorb iron.
This plant has high levels of Vitamin B Complex, beta-carotene, iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Spirulina is also seventy percent of protein and these minerals are phycocyanin, Vitamin E, and chlorophyll Spirulina has been used for medical purposes and as a nutrient supplement for many centuries.
Manufacturers of spirulina supplements have claimed that this can help an overweight person control their food intake. Here is a list of some of the health benefits of Spirulina and you will notice that encouraging lowering food intake is number one on the list. Here are some more of the health benefits they counteract the toxins in the body, help prevent purity of the liver, encourage mental alertness, help to lower blood cholesterol and get rid of excess triglycerides, help fight against viral infections, treat radiation sickness, enhance the ability to generate new blood cells, helps to improve blood sugar problems, strengthening the nervous system, strengthening the immune system, and helps to improve the healing of wounds on the body.
Spirulina is believed to improve immune functions in both animals and humans. This is done by making more anti-inflammatory chemicals known as interleukin and interferon. It is also believed that this plant can either lessen or decrease the incidence of allergic reactions by blocking histamine from most cells. By blocking the histamines, Spirulina lessens muscle contradiction, excess stomach acid, and blood vessel expansion.
This plant also can have the potential to create anticancer properties because of its immune system capabilities and antioxidant qualities. It is also believed to help fight cancer by encouraging the release of tumor necrosis factor alpha, which is a bodily chemical that attacks cancer cells.
It is up to the person if they take Spirulina with its many health benefits such as being an excellent cleansing, fortifying, and restoring qualities. This plant helps the body with its natural cleansing function which results in the body feeling happy, healthy, and fit.

Tamanu Oil Benefits
Vanuatu is the home of the Tamanu tree and the fruits and the nuts are gathered by hand from the coastal tree which by doing it this way will help to yield the highest quality oil. Tamanu Oil is a one percent natural extract and pure from the tree. This oil doesn’t contain any artificial additives, chemicals, or preservatives.
The nut kernels are hand-cracked and then sun-dried until golden brown. The nut kernels are cold-pressed, without heat or chemicals which results in the finest, pure, rich, dark green, luxurious Oil.
The real healing power of this tropical oil is in its unique ability to promote the formation of new tissue promoting accelerating wound healing and the growth of healthy skin. Your skin is the largest living organ in your body and it is made up of three layers such as the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. Within these three layers of skin, there are other layers of skin all with specific functions, and Tamanu Oil speeds up the healing process by penetrating deep into the layers of skin and promoting the growth of new cells for skin growth. This miracle oil is good for the treatment of wounds, burns, cuts, insect bites, acne, scarring, psoriasis, diabetic sores, neuralgia, sunburns, eczema, herpes sores, foot or body odor, age spots, and stretch marks.
It is applied liberally to cuts, wounds, burns, scrapes, insect bites, insect stings, abrasions, acne scars, acne, diabetics sores, dry or scaly skin, blisters, eczema, athlete’s foot, and makes a fantastic underarm deodorant.
Here are some health benefits that Tamanu Oil is used for on the body to either promote or prevent symptoms of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, assist information of new tissues, reduction of scars, scrapes, abrasions, burns, insect bites and stings, acne and acne scars, arthritis relief, sunburns, dry or scaly skin, blisters, eczema, reduction of foot odor, reduction of body odor, natural underarm deodorant, and removal of reduction of unsightly age spots.
Tamanu Oil is ready to absorb into the skin and is non-greasy. As the oil is so effective, a little goes a long way and for the first time you use Tamanu Oil, it is a good idea to use it four or five times a day. Cut back as the problem starts to heal over time. If the area starts to appear scaly, don’t get upset since that means the oil is doing its job. Cut back on the number of times that you are putting this oil on the area or quit using it altogether for four days. Then put on one hundred percent Coconut Oil to ease the drying effect and then after four days, start with the Tamanu Oil again.
There are websites that offer Tamanu oil for sale at different prices and they will give you instructions on how many times this oil should be applied to the problem area. Some of the websites sell different size bottles for one low price.

Yeast Benefits
When talking about yeast, there are two types of yeast that are very beneficial to our overall health, brewer’s yeast and nutritional yeast. Both offer great benefits but are different in where they come from and how they are consumed.
Brewer’s yeast is a byproduct of brewing beer. It absorbs vitamins and minerals from other products or ingredients that are involved in the brewing process. The yeast absorbs the nutrients and flavors, often resulting in a bitter taste. Brewer’s yeast contains Folic Acid, B12, Niacin, Chromium, Thiamin, and Potassium. It is low in sodium, fat, and carbohydrates.
Brewer’s yeast is commonly used by vegetarians and vegans because it is an excellent source of B12. It is essential that vegetarians and vegans consume B12 because their diet lacks food that is otherwise high in B12 content, such as meat.
Individuals with diabetes consume brewer’s yeast because the yeast contains chromium, which helps lower bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol.
Brewer’s yeast has also been shown in recent studies to aid in the following ailments: hypoglycemia, eczema, stress and anxiety, carpal tunnel, anemia, fatigue, and constipation. Brewer’s yeast also can be used as a flea repellent on your pets!
Nutritional yeast is very similar to brewer’s yeast in benefits. It is a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is grown on cane sugar, gathered, washed, and dried, and the outcome is a dry, flaky, powder. It contains 18 amino acids and 15 essential minerals.
Nutritional yeast is commonly used in vegetarian and vegan recipes to replace cheese as an ingredient. It has an appealing cheesy taste to it and can be sprinkled over salads, popcorn, soups, casseroles, drinks, and more!
Nutritional yeast is also recommended for infants who cannot tolerate processed formula, cannot breastfeed, or who are being raised in a vegetarian or vegan household. There are formulas available in health food stores as well as homemade formula recipes for free on the internet.
Some of the main and most important benefits of nutritional yeast are its stress management abilities, anticancer properties, and weight management capabilities because it helps maintain the metabolic rate of the human body, and it also helps us have healthy and radiant skin. Much of this can be attributed to its high levels of B12.
Similar to brewer’s yeast, nutritional yeast also is high in chromium, manganese, copper, vanadium, molybdenum, and lithium. Its high levels of chromium make it an excellent supplement for diabetics as well, in that it helps maintain blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol.
Some studies have also shown that nutritional yeast can help promote a healthy liver, improve blood production and flow, and be beneficial to our digestive system.
Both types of yeast are very beneficial to our health. If you are vegetarian or vegan, it is highly recommended that you incorporate one or both of these types into your daily diet. Living a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle can be a healthy one, however, it is important to make sure you are still able to get the appropriate vitamins, minerals, and proteins that individuals who consume meat are able to receive. Yeast is a great alternative and supplement if you do not consume meat and the best part about it is that it tastes great on just about anything!