Why is Daily Stress Dangerous?
Stress is a reality of daily life and is the consequence of both the bad and good things that take place. Too much daily stress can lead to serious health problems. A stressful life is, in fact, the hallmark of lots of other troubles in one’s life. Stress is the eventual evidence of the mind-body relationship. Your mind distinguishes the stress; your body acts in response to it in a physical manner. There truly isn’t a component of your body that isn’t influenced by stress.
Taking daily life stress too much can put your health in danger. Because even in case a stressful event happens to you once, your body undergoes different responses and all leads to exhaustion of your energy stores.
First of all, under stress body releases adrenaline and it has a wide range of effects on the body. It makes the heart beat faster and also increases the rate of respiration.
Now if you are experiencing stress daily and also taking it on your nerves, your body starts releasing stored sugar as well as fats. These can lead to more feelings of weakness and exhaustion. You would likely to be indulged in drinking coffee or tea more often; even you may indulge in more smoking and alcohol drinking. These all are further deteriorating elements for your health.
With all these bad habits and daily stress, you may probably experience enhanced sorts of anxiety, memory-related problems, negative thinking, and also catch flu or fever more often than normal. At this stage, still, if you control your stress, you can come out of all these problems. But in case you could not, your energy stores will be drained totally.
We know when we are under stress either we eat too much or too low. In case you are taking a meal with low frequency, you may likely experience more lethal problems like insomnia, weight loss, loss of focus and concentration, reduced working capacity, behavioral and personality changes, and even judgmental problems. You may also develop serious diseases for instance heart diseases, hypertension, or certain other mental illnesses.
We have mentioned that if you are under constant stress, you are likely to catch flu and fever more often. The reason is that constant type of stress reduces your immune power to fight against infections and certain diseases. Your stress response reduces white blood cell count, which in turn decreases the ability of the body to heal itself. In this way, you frequently experience cold, fever, infections, or flu.
Stress has even more ill effects on our body parts. It can lead to problems like dry mouth or halitosis. It affects the muscles of the eye which becomes tired so early than normal. Even chronic types of stress can lead to changes in the skin. A daily stressful event can even cause bowels upset such as diarrhea or constipation.
But there are many methods of dealing with stress that can decrease your risk of acquiring ill effects. The need is to understand and recognize your real problem, work on its solution, share it with your friends and family members, and learn about the management of stress in a better way. In this way, you will remain stress and tension free and will be able to enjoy life to its fullest!

Stress and health problems
Any incentive for playing upon the body endings in certain physiological changes in the body is cumulatively called stress. Many elements influence the outcomes of stress. Firstly, every person possesses his personal views regarding stress, based on his experience, perception of events, his strength, and social support. Race, sex, age, socioeconomic status, marital status, and early developmental experiences all alter stress’s outcome differently.
Our body responds to stress through physical, emotional, and behavioral means. There is no doubt that stress is an important element in causing many health problems. If you are facing continuous stress in your life, it will mark detrimental effects on your body. Here we find why stress results in health hazards.
Stress Effects of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Systems
Continuous Stress may lead to overriding of the sympathetic and parasympathetic symptoms. These autonomic systems are important in controlling our emotions, heart rate, breathing rate, etc. Stress affects the main root of the nervous system, so physical, emotional, and behavioral findings are visible in the person experiencing stress.
The physical manifestation of stress on the body
In case of stress is acute, the sympathetic system is affected and the body responds by increasing heart rate, pupil dilation, piloerection, rapid breathing, dry mouth, increased muscle tone, and increased BP. In case this state maintains for a longer duration, for example, a person remains under stress, it will now manifest with more symptoms. It will affect a person’s heart, stomach, and blood vessels. As a result, there is increased production of gastric acid take place and gastric emptying time increases also; there are symptoms of nausea, heartburn, chest pain, stomach upset, high BP, arthralgia, and myalgia.
The chronicity of stress leads to the activation of the parasympathetic system. It is also seen that many people are vulnerable to the activation of the parasympathetic system owing to continuous stress. A person may feel either poor appetite or eat much; gut motility is delayed also, so constipation arises. There is increased sweating as well as disturbed sleep.
Emotional Manifestation and its Reason
The sympathetic system activation because of continuous stress lead to a person’s response with anger, anxiety, and fear. He becomes irritable, restless, and fatigued. Other emotional aspects of such persons include hypervigilance, increased startle response, and hyperarousal. Due to parasympathetic system stimulation person responds by showing guilt, sorrow, anguish, depression, and feeling of being secluded and abandoned. He also tends to avoid seeking support from others.
Behavioral Manifestation
Stress widely affects personal relations and social life. Social withdrawals, sleep deprivation, abnormal eating habits, too much drinking, smoking, drug abuse, likely to meet accidents, negligence, rebelliousness, the problem with authority, rules and regulation, spoiled relations, reckless behavior, and breakups are all types of behaviors that indicate that person is undergoing stress in his life and is not able to cope it up.
These all findings associated with stress explain why stress results in so many health problems. Mainly altering the normal physiology of the autonomic nervous system, stress induces many health-related problems in a person. Therefore, stress should be managed properly for the achievement of Eustress!

Tips to Avoid Stress
Stress is ubiquitously manifested in our modern world. It refers to the strain that can be emotional, mental, or physical. Causes are so many, like it can be due to marital riots, overworks, fears, etc. So whatever the stress is, if you are unable to cope with it, you can try these wonderful and simple stress reducers anytime.
Be Ready For Mishap: Keep yourself ready for any calamity. You should keep alternate options every time for your important things like a key.
Don’t assign in excess: Try to maintain your limits in everything. Don’t take extra work; it will only increase your burden. Learn not to bow.
Predict Problems: When problems take place, attend to them head-on before they shoot up. The finest way to avoid big issues is by tackling them when they are a trifle.
Stop Being Pushy for Flawlessness: We should not become so much involved in making ourselves perfect and flawless but get stressed and freaked out eventually.
Keep Away from Intense Topics: Such discussions and topics can lead to a rise in your BP do try to avoid them.
Wake Up Early: Waking up a bit earlier is quite soother to you. You will take some tea and feel relaxed. Do it, you will feel a difference!
Apply Relaxation Techniques: There are various such techniques for instance meditation, deep breathing, and yoga, all set in motion the relaxation reaction of the body. If you apply them daily, you will feel light and enjoy a stress-free life. These will even enhance your ability to withstand critical situations.
Eat Lunch at a Good Place: Avoid taking lunch at the working desk, you may go out or some good place so that you enjoy it and remain calm.
Think positive: You can stay relaxed and stress-free by simply thinking positive. This will produce a positive change in your attitude and aptitude.
Smile and Laugh: Enjoy watching different movies, comedies, and programs. All these bring smiles and laughs that are considered great ways to diminish stress.
Convey your all Feelings: If something is teasing you inside, try to open it up with someone trustworthy. When you convey these feelings to others, you will feel light and this will help you in reducing anxiety and stress.
Avoid Procrastinate Practice: Do things at the right time and avoid putting them off until the last. Otherwise, it will lead to an increase in the burden and more stress.
Exercise Habitually: It is well accepted that physical activity plays a chief function in plummeting the effects of stress on the body. So get some time at least half an hour for exercise. A brisk walk is quite beneficial in condensing stress.
Try to Let Off matters: One should realize that no one is perfect so mistakes are indispensable. So learn to forgive and forget. Set yourself free from anger, bitterness, and negative energy by pardoning those who have upset you.
In a nutshell, eating healthy food and beverages, getting enough sleep, building valued relationships, not expecting people to live by your rules, bringing to an end stressing over little things, learning to respond, and not to react are the major elements helpful in reducing stress.
If you can control your emotions, reactions, feelings, and surroundings, you can overpower your stress and live a balanced life, enjoying your work, and having time for recreation, relationships and pleasure.

What foods can help fight stress?
Apart from mental and moral techniques, other tactics can be handy in coping with stress. Maintaining a proper diet and fulfilling daily requirements of vitamins will make you at the top of the situation when stress hits you. Although anything you love to eat can be the best food to fight stress, still 6 most common foods are known to fight stress effectively and scientifically.
Let’s look at them turn by turn:
A cup of cereal
Cereals contain high carbohydrates which boost energy and make you more active. Research has shown that a bowl of cereal lowers the stress hormone cortisol, giving more efficient thinking.
Half a chocolate bar
Who doesn’t love chocolate? The thought of a chocolate bar during stress can even water your mouth! The sweet flavor raises the endorphin level and releases a compound name anandamide that could enlighten your mood. Darker the chocolate, the more healthy it will be.
A cup of milk
Warm milk can relax the muscles of the body and make you feel relieved. Adrenaline secreted during stress increases blood pressure. Potassium, calcium, and magnesium present in milk are known to lower blood pressure.
Vanilla Wafers, whole-grain biscuits, and popcorn
All three snacks are starchy and rich in carbohydrates. They enhance the release of chemical serotonin which induces a feeling of calmness and patience.
100 grams of salmon and a can of sardines – the best food that fights stress.
Omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce depression on a long-term basis by increasing serotonin production. It is also known to suppress the hormones cortisol and adrenaline.
A cup of mashed potatoes or any low-fat pudding.
They are comfort foods that are easy to eat and digest. High starch content boosts energy and makes vision and mind clear. These foods also raise serotonin levels, producing a soothing feeling.
½ oz walnut per day!
Yes! That’s what doctors recommend now; ½ on walnuts per day can do wonders for hypertensive people who are habitual to stress. They have been found to reduce the effect of the hormone adrenaline and boost psychological functions.
Spinach and green vegetables
Nature has hidden secrets in every vegetable. Humans are in a race to reveal these secrets and discover why when no food goes well with our bodies. In one such “race” it was found that spinach, due to its high magnesium content, can effectively combat stress.

Fortify against daily stress with brain supplements
Many times you feel you can’t complete your day, you feel you are so tired. There are a lot of things you should do when you feel you are stressed and has a distressing sensation of fatigability. Many works accumulate, which increases your sense of stress. You are anxious all the time, and the people surrounding you begin to complain about your over-anxiety.
Stress simply is your overall sensation as you have a lot of pressure on your thoughts, and can’t deal with what you are facing. Daily stress may be caused by either physical or emotional causes, maybe due to already daily work overload, or you have too many thoughts on your mind.
Stress is a variable state and not all people suffer from the sensation of stress. It may be due to genetic susceptibility.
Many of us suffer from stress and struggle to get rid of it. Stress can be treated by well nourishing and oxygenation of your brain. Try to keep a balanced diet to supply your brain with all the substances it needs and also you should get rid of the waste products and the free radicals which harm your cells and suppress the activity of your brain.
Can you get rid of stress with a good diet? Yes, you can decrease your stress with a good and balanced diet.
Many of you will ask how I can get rid of the most distressing problem in my life simply by diet. The answer is that your feeling of stress arises from multiple circuits, which all cause your brain to be more stressed.
When you use your brain in thinking, calculating, doing your job, meeting a lot of people, saving a lot of both short and long memories, recording the events and memories, doing your daily habits, and facing many emotional situations. All of these actions cause your brain to consume all its energy and be unable to continue.
Your brain consumes all its energy so can’t be able to renew its activity to start a new day. You should well nourish your brain to be capable to complete your day, and doing a lot of work.
You should get supplements that improve your blood contents as protein and vitamins which are important in the formation of hemoglobin as vitamins B12 and Folic acid vitamins. And the integrity of blood cells like vitamin E.
Also, you should have glucose in adequate amounts to keep your brain alert and aware and be active and able to continue your day.
A lot of herbs have a sedative effect which you can use during the day to get rid of your sensation of stress.
Also, you should have the essential fatty acids; the fishes are rich in them. You should keep low levels of triglycerides, and high levels of low HD which is important for your health.
There are what are called free radicals, which are harmful substances that arise during metabolism. These free radicals harm your cells and hurt your body. Natural substances can help you in your cell’s regeneration process, and they are called antioxidants. A lot of vitamins act as antioxidants, especially vitamin C.
You can provide all these substances to your brain even with a correct diet, even with natural brain supplements found on the market. The best thing is to consult a health nutritionist before in both cases.