High carbohydrates foods
Rich Carbohydrates foods? Are carbohydrates making you fat? Do all carbohydrates make you fat?
We need them to make our body function right because, without any carbohydrates, we won’t feel having any energy at all, and the brain and the spinal cord will not function well.
What are exactly carbohydrates foods? Could be bread or pasta or potatoes, but there are also fruits and vegetables and some beans. A lot of people think only of bread and pasta when they think of carbohydrates when fruits and vegetables can give you the carbohydrates that you need as well. When you eat a carbohydrate, your body takes them and breaks them down into glucose. You need that glucose in your blood to function well. It also takes those carbohydrates and stores them as energy in your liver and your muscles, so if you exercise or practice any sport you do need to eat carbs. The problem is that a lot of people are eating an abundance of carbohydrates, especially pasta and different types of bread and that’s where we’re going wrong.
Another thing that happens with carbohydrates is that they turn into glucose and if your body doesn’t use them, then it turns them into fat and stores them in your body as fats.
So, what do you need to do? You need to eat carbohydrates foods to function, but you don’t need to eat too much and gain weight, follow these rules and you will have enough energy from carbohydrates without getting fat.
Yes, you could eat a lot of carbs but only if you have an active life with good exercise programs. The main secret is to alternate the carbs and to get them from high sources like sweet potatoes, brown rice, and beans. The other carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables you can eat may be used as supplements for the main meal. For example, you could have a bowl of berries for your breakfast, an apple for lunch you can use any kind of vegetables or fruits with your meals.
Dry fruits like apples, prunes, and bananas are the richest carbohydrates foods. These ailments contain also, a lot of fibers and vitamins. Dry fruits like apples, and prunes, are made from carbs in a percentage of 88-90 %, peaches, and apricots from 83 to 79 %, and raisins also have around 75 % carbohydrates.
Chips have a high level also, and that’s what gives them the flavor and contains around 81-83 % carbs.
The drinks made from powders and gum candies are simple derivatives of refined sugar and usually are made from 98-99 % carbohydrates, with a small nutrient value.
Here’s a list of high carbohydrates compositions: olive oil, peanut oil, eggs, halibut, turkey, cheese, duck, tuna, trout, popcorn, sardines, grapefruit, celery, deviled eggs, nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seed, pork, sunflower, soybean, beef, lambs, vinegar, butter, yogurt, bean-dip, pork rinds, garlic parmesan.

A list of high carbohydrates foods that give you energy
Foods Rich in Carbohydrates
High carbohydrate foods, no doubt, are vital to our lives. They are the richest source of energy for our bodies. Most of the body cells and organs need glucose for their energy and it is sufficiently provided by carbohydrates. Functions of the brain are highly dependent on glucose. Similarly, many other organs of the body are dependent on it. You can find carbohydrates in lots of food.
Advantages of High Carbohydrate Foods
Starches containing fruits or vegetables additionally provide roughage to the large intestine. For example, bananas are quite beneficial to our colon because they enhance good digestion and decrease transient fecal time.
High carbohydrate diets are also helpful in a good contraction of muscles of the body in addition to various other functions.
Since carbohydrates are the richest energy source, they can fulfill the energy needed by the organism. They make a person strong and energetic.
By maintaining blood glucose level, they allow our brain to receive enough glucose and remains functional.
Disadvantages of High Carbohydrate Foods
The carbohydrates, albeit, are double-edged swords, therefore, loaded with various disadvantages as well. We know that extra glucose is stored as fats in our tissue so this can lead to fatness and obesity. With the acquisition of obesity, the risk for hypertension and diabetes mellitus increases. These are further loaded with quite fatal effects on our bodies.
List of High Carbohydrates Foods
Vegetables: Potato, Radish, Yams, Carrot, Sweet Potato
Fruits: Banana, Dates, Apricot, Fig, Pear, Blueberry, Raisins
Pulses and legumes: Green peas, Lentils, Garbanzo beans, Kidney beans
Dairy products: milk, plain yogurt, Skimmed milk
Cereal, Bread, and Grains: Whole wheat bread, Oatmeal, Pasta, White rice, Muffins, Spaghetti, Buckwheat
Confectionery: Candies, Pastries, Chocolate, Cakes, Cookies, Corn syrup
Whole Grains – the richest carbohydrate source
Whole grains are complex carbohydrates that can be utilized by a person whose work is based on physical activity. These are richly supplied with significant amounts of minerals, vitamins, and fibers. They provide energy for a longer duration as compared to refined grains, e.g. white flour. White grains also improve digestion as well as keep our hearts healthy. Wheat grain comprises brown rice, barley, oats, quinoa, whole wheat, pearled popcorn, cereals, etc. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that at least half of our carbohydrate food selection is obtained from whole grains.
Fruits and juices containing carbohydrates
Fruits offer carbohydrates that are faster in their action than complex carbohydrates such as whole grains. The fruits and their juices, in addition, to providing carbs, also improve the hydration status of our body. Usually, nutritionists recommend fresh natural fruits over juices. As fruit abridgments more rapidly than foods high in fat or protein, fresh fruits and juices give important pre-workout nibbles. To gather the utmost nutritional advantages, use various types of fruits and their juices habitually.
Vegetables containing carbohydrates
The use of carbohydrates-rich vegetables in your diet plan, allows you to obtain maximum energy and great output from your work. These carbohydrates containing vegetables include potatoes, legumes, beans, sweet potatoes, etc. Potato is not only a rich source of starch but also contains potassium and vitamin c, therefore, bringing about electrolyte balance also.