Low-fat foods
Did you know that consuming aliments rich in fats or cholesterol as it’s called, can shorten your life by 20%, and here I’m talking about a series of diseases that have fats as a cause.
When you continue to eat high cholesterol foods, you kill yourself a little by little every day. It’s really important to get low cholesterol foods and cook only low cholesterol recipes. Eating only foods low in cholesterol based on a daily plan is essential to maintain your life to a healthy level.
Nowadays the problem is that we all have busy lives, and for this reason, many of us are getting junk food. It’s important to choose healthy, low-fat foods, over fast foods, perhaps the best option would be to pack home low-fat foods.
When eating low cholesterol foods such as chicken, lean meat, or fish (all kinds of – it contains also the omega 3 protein that makes miracles over our tissues) you will see that your cholesterol levels will go down. You can also balance your daily meals with fresh fruits and vegetables so you will get a lot more energy, as usual, less stress(better concentration on our real problems) and a higher quality of life.
Some of the foods low in fat don’t require any preparation, and probably that’s why it’s easier to maintain a good healthy diet (time is a problem for everybody). If you don’t know how to cook these kinds of meals, you can just search on the web for such recipes. Fruits and vegetables are both good examples of low-fat foods which require no preparation and it can be easy for you to have them throughout the day. Instead of fries and burgers for lunch, you should consider some fruits, some chicken, and yogurt.
Also, keep in mind to drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated and your body functions working at peak efficiency. Water flushes the excess toxins in our body, including the excess fats.
Eating low-fat foods such as fiber and oats is great for a good balanced low-fat meal. These kinds of healthy food will help you look young and feel great longer.
So, what are low-fat foods? Simple: those are foods that do not contain a high amount of saturated fat as fruits and vegetables, high fiber food, green leafy vegetables, and green salads. At the same time eat whole grains and pulses, whole wheat bread, kidney beans, lima beans, oat cereal, cereals with flax seed, whole grain cereals, fruits (especially strawberry, blackberry, citrus, apples, raspberry ), nuts, beans & peas, corn, soybeans, herbs & spices.
Recent studies reveal that onions, another miracle aliment with a high amount of antioxidants prevent the deposit of cholesterol in arteries and all the body.
Also as a supplement, you can use niacin-based vitamins or B3, how it’s called because it works at the liver level and lowers the fat percent in your body.

List of low fat and low cholesterol foods
The foods low in fat and cholesterol are considered low-fat foods. These foods of low-fat contents are increasingly being used by persons who want to be in shape. But they are thought to be good for heart patients. There are lots of low-fat diets out there. Countless of these sorts of foods are regarded as starvation diets because they possess a very low-calorie count, even lower than the recommended value.
It is necessary to make sure that there should be some fat content according to the recommended dose in your foods. Fats are needed in a small amount in our body. We cannot deny their importance.
Nowadays it is believed that it is not the calorie from the fat that is bad but its type of fat which may either be good or bad. The good fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Bad ones are those of animal origin i.e. saturated fats and their particular variety the Trans fats. If you can avoid these in your food, you can enjoy the low-calorie food along with your favorite foods. Low-fat foods are not so considered good because then they are loaded with refined carbohydrates.
These lead to early stomach emptiness and early feelings of hunger, so the balance needs to be maintained in every type of diet.
A person who is strictly following low fats diet may result in many other problems for himself. So he must need to add fresh vegetables and fruits and try to eat food in 4 to 6 meals every day.
Low-fat diets are especially beneficial to patients with diabetes. They lead to decrease cholesterol levels and make certain to keep patients out of dangerous pathologies. To follow a diet low in fat, you can follow these important points given below.
1. Avoid eating chocolates.
2. Cut down the use of butter and margarine.
3. Avoid mayonnaise and salad dressings.
4. Use chicken and fish instead of meat.
5. Hotel-cooked gravies are also full of fats so avoid them.
6. Select food which is low in fats.
7. Limit the use of deep-fried foods or avoid them completely.
8. Try to cook foods in vegetable oil. In this regard, olive oil and canola oil are best
9. The nuts should be used in reasonable amounts.
10. Avoid fast and junk food.
List of Foods Low in Fats
Here are some foods that are known as being low in fat: Fat-free skim milk, Neufchatel, Frozen yogurt, Steam vegetables, Low-fat cold-cuts, Trimmed Pork, Egg whites, Noodles, Oatmeal Low fat, Baked food, Mushrooms, Lemon juice, Dried beans, Vinegar, Luncheon meats, Roast poultry
Though, fats are not as bad as they are thought. They are a rich source of energy in our bodies. They improve our mouth taste and provide us with essential fatty acids. The need is to use them in moderation. Try using everything but in limited proportion. This is a real way of enjoying every kind of food.