Foods that help you sleep.
Are you trying to sleep well but you can’t? Please take a look at your dietary habits. Are you sure you are eating right? Are you aware of the fact that eating the right type of food at right time actually helps you to enjoy a good sleep and also helps you to fall asleep sooner? It is also believed that intake of healthy foods helps to improve the quality of sleep. You can look at the food we are going to present. These will help you to enjoy a good sleep. But it is just to stop eating foods two hours before bedtime to provide your body sufficient time to correctly digest the food you have eaten.
Concerned about falling asleep? Eat a banana before bedtime. Bananas are an outstanding source of potassium as well as magnesium. They also help to relax your over-stressed muscles. Bananas also enclose tryptophan, which transfers to melatonin and serotonin, the most important brain soothing hormones. Bananas are not only healthy but also very tasty. Eat at bedtime and you will not only acquire a good sleep but also important nutrients.
It is found that drinking a glass of cherry juice may prove to be an effective means to fall asleep quicker. Cherries are a rich source of melatonin so they provide the body with the required amount of melatonin. Melatonin is a substance that is known to treat the problem of insomnia. You can also take frozen, dried, or fresh cherries before bedtime.
Almonds are also found to offer quicker sleep. They enclose magnesium which encourages sleep as well as muscle relaxation. Almonds also offer protein thus helping in the maintenance of a constant blood sugar level during sleeping.
Warm milk
Taking a glass of warm milk or taking milk with granola, toast or oatmeal offers you a perfect sleep. It is established that intake of carbohydrate-rich food can offer a good and quick sleep. Milk also consists of tryptophan which converts to serotonin and thus provides a calming effect on our brain. It’s also high in minerals such as calcium, known to have a calming effect.
Most fish particularly tuna, halibut, and salmon are the rich source of vitamin B6, which is required to manufacture melatonin. This is a sleep-inducing hormone and is usually triggered by darkness i.e. night.
Jasmine Rice
Jasmine rice is a high-glycemic index (GI) food. It means it is a rich source of carbohydrates. When a healthy person eats carbohydrate-rich foods, he falls asleep faster at bedtime. Though the real reason for this fact is still not known it is believed that a good amount of insulin is released which increases the sleep-inducing tryptophan. This insulin also helps tryptophan to enter the brain with a greater amount.
Whole Grains
Barley, bulgur, and other types of whole grains are rich sources of magnesium. It is good to enjoy a peaceful sleep. It is also instituted that the use of a very small amount of magnesium may make it difficult to stay asleep.
Collards and Kale
No doubt that dairy products are well recognized as inducing good sleep and being rich in calcium. But green leafy vegetables are not lagging. They are also a good source of calcium and thus help in inducing sleep. Green leafy vegetables particularly collards and kale are also known to offer a good and early sleep if you eat them before bedtime. These are also calcium-rich sources. And many studies suggest that calcium deficiency may make it hard to fall asleep.

Solve sleeping problems with natural supplements
Sleep disorder is a disruption of the clinic state, the corresponding schematic of a break activity of RAAS, and its replacement with the activities which are formed in the underlying anatomical structure.
The neuromodulators which control the neurophysiological alternation of wake-sleep appear to be serotonin (slow sleep ) and norepinephrine and dopamine in the revival. Those two can be stimulated by natural supplements. Neurophysiology describes slow phase sleep (SL) and paradoxical sleep (rapid eye motion REM) (SP).
Between the two types of sleep there is a direct interrelation so that these different sleep stages occur not only in a single order, “not only paradoxical sleep occurs after a longer or shorter stage of sleep” (Popoviciu ).
Insomnia – is a sleep disorder represented by a decrease in total sleep time, accused of somebody.
Some persons stay in physiological sleep very little, as some historians said that Napoleon did not sleep more than 3 hours a night. Victor Hugo and Edison also slept very little. Oswald describes this as “healthy insomnia”.
Sometimes the total sleep time may be normal, and insomnia to install because of the lack of alternation between sleep cycles.
Insomnia is an extremely common sleeping problem, psychopathological in psychiatry. It meets fatigue, neurasthenia, anxiety neurosis, manic bouts – depression, chronic intoxication (alcoholism), and dementia stages. Classically it is called neurotic insomnia sleep and the awakening of the depressed. When there is a disrupted sleep pattern in old persons – waking the diurnal sleep period that repeats 2 to 3 times followed by a sleepless night. At that age, the category should not be ignored the fact that insomnia may be an early sign of atherosclerosis and it’s time to use some natural supplements.
Hyper-insomnia – They are sleep disorders based on extensions of the period of sleep that may occur continuously or paroxysmal and are more dispersed than insomnia, and rarely have a psychogenic cause.
Organic hyper-insomnia is a lifelong generally sleeping problem determination. They meet in encephalitis (epidermal encephalitis, tuberculosis, syphilitic) Gayet disease – Wernicke, HIC Korsakov syndrome (tumors on the trunk famous or hypothalamus), and metabolic causes (hepatic failure, renal, mixed).
Hyper-insomnia is a paroxysmal syndromes group and is rare in Pickwick syndrome: night hyper-insomnia, obesity, respiratory disorders, and cyanosis.
A narcoleptic attack is characterized by bouts of sleep duration, which usually occur during periods of relative inactivity or activity, often under great emotional, in which patients wake up quickly as they slept.
Cataleptic attacks occur only exceptionally isolated and consist of a loss of muscle tone and sleeping problems. Emotional factors (laughter, anger, concentration, strong and unexpected sensory excitation, or sex) can trigger a cataleptic attack. Can be preceded by premonitory signs and can access cataleptic great shape (sharply collapse, or progressive forms that refer particularly to the upper body muscles extremity).
Pseudo–hysterical hyper-insomnia is a “fit of sleep” duration and the patient stays inert without external excitations as reactions to sensitive anesthesia. EEG appearance stays normal.
There are some natural remedies, in form of natural supplements. The composition of these cures varies, you can find them in different shapes such as extracts of Griffonia Simplicifolia, green tea extract, Withania Somnifera, and melatonin extracts that can help you in your disorder.

Importance of a Healthy Sleep Cycle
Although there is a more need for research and study on sleep, one thing has been proved for ages i.e. the importance of sleep for our health. Sleep is necessary to maintain not only physical but also mental health.
Owing to our hectic lifestyle, there is a great enticement to withhold our sleep and perform our work or other kinds of activities. In doing so, we make our body deprived of its necessary need for rest.
There are two kinds of normal and healthy sleep cycles, named Rapid Eye Movement Cycle and Deep Sleep or Non-Rapid Eye Movement Cycle. These should be normal so you can enjoy a healthy sleep pattern. If any of these are affected, you won’t get normal sleep.
Due to many causes, the normal pattern of the sleep cycle gets disturbed. This is manifested in the form of day drowsiness, fatigue, insomnia, lack of concentration, and tiredness. You can realize the fact that if you experience such problems, you cannot focus well on anything you want to do. Those people who work a lot while taking a little sleep, are at high risk to suffer from these problems. Most of them undergo them and you will find them lethargic and sleepy yet they are pushing themselves to work.
One should be careful about the importance of sleep for our body and soul. A good sleep makes you active and alerts while your mind gets good rest. The brain needs rest just like our muscles and body. Throughout the day, our brain works to execute different essential functions and after some hours, the brain gets exhausted and it requires a break. The break is simply sleeping. Certainly, many of us think that sleep is only a waste of time and there are many things far better than sleep to do after all. No doubt, our bosses also praise those who are workaholics and this encourages employees to just work and sacrifice sleep.
Despite all such societal pressures and faiths, sleep is a vital part of our life. It offers a time to rest and rejuvenate. It provides numerous benefits in various ways. For an instant, during sleep, some important hormones are released by our body. The most important is the human growth hormone (GH). It is very essential for young children as well as for adults. In young children, it helps their height to increase while in adults it helps to repair and build muscle mass, cells, and tissues. Another hormone released is melatonin. It is released as soon as you fall asleep from 2 to 3 pm. It is necessary for fighting against infections.
Now you see sleep is not a waste of time. It helps us to be attentive, vigilant, and energetic. Also during sleep, certain hormones are produced that offer significant biological functions.
It makes us productive. When we sleep, our worries also get slept and we wake up with a fresh and productive mind. It keeps our mood happy while those who are short of sleep are usually found disturbed.
Thus, always take good sleep at least 6 to 7 hours, and enjoy a healthy active life.