The brain is the ultimate organ of the body control system where every function of all parts of the body is regulated, controlled, and processed. It is divided into three parts:
Forebrain: It is further divided into the thalamus, the limbic system, and the cerebrum
Midbrain: It contains reticular formation.
Hindbrain: It includes the medulla, pons, and cerebellum.
It was a brief review of parts of the brain. Now we will describe the brain functions of these parts of the brain.
The Limbic system plays role in the development of sensations of emotions including fear, rage, hunger, thirst, tranquility, pleasure, and sexual responses. The limbic system parts e.g. hippocampus is concerned with recent memory, and the amygdala consists of clusters of neurons that produce a sensation of pleasure, punishment, or sexual arousal when stimulate.
The main brain functions
The Hypothalamus functions are:
- Autonomic control
- Endocrine control
- Temperature regulation
- Neurosecretion: Secretion of vasopressin and oxytocin.
- Regulation of Food and Water Intake
- Emotion and behavior
- Control of Circadian rhythms.
The Cerebrum being the largest part of the brain contains many areas performing different functions. The cerebral cortex computes the coordinates of visual, auditory, and body surroundings. Wernicke’s area is the most important region for higher intellectual functions because almost all such intellectual areas are language-based so it is for language comprehension. The angular gyrus of the cortex is necessary to make meaning out of words. Cortex other areas function in word formation and naming objects. The cerebral cortex is also involved in intelligence, reasoning, and judgment.
Reticular formation plays role in screening the input information before they reach higher brain centers.
The brainstem which consists of the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain performs three broad functions;
- It serves as a conduit for the ascending and descending tracts and therefore connects the spinal cord with the higher brain centers.
- It consists of important centers associated with the control of respiration, the cardiovascular system, and the control of consciousness.
- It contains important nuclei of cranial nerves.
The cerebellum plays an important role in the control of posture and voluntary movements. It unconsciously influences the smooth contraction of voluntary muscles and carefully coordinates their action along with the relaxation of their antagonists.
These are the human brain functions. Now we will discuss how you can boost them with the help of natural supplements.
Food for brain health
Food and the brain are dependent on each other. Good food is not only essential for other systems and organs of the body but is also essential for the brain. Food enhances brain functions and enables them to function properly. It provides the right energy to the brain. Since our brain is the main organ that keeps in check what we do, and what we think. It performs the major functions of memory, thinking, and cognitive functions. All these functions lead a person to go in the right direction to follow his path and work accordingly.
If our brain is not functioning properly, we cannot even talk, walk or do our basic things. To keep the brain performing its work accurately, the need of the hour is to feed the brain with such healthy food that gives good effects. No doubt there is no shortage of foods that improve brain health and make it more receptive and active. The necessity is to be aware of these essential foods or nutrients.
The use of omega-3 fatty acids proved marvelous to brain health. This provides fats that are free of bad lipoprotein. There is no risk of atherosclerosis with these omega-3 fatty acids. You should be aware of certain bad foods leading to fatal conditions in the brain. These include the use of alcohol, and certain drugs especially hypnotics, tranquilizers, and antipsychotics all affect the brain neurons, receptors, and ultimately brain health.
Here we will give you a list of certain foods that are especially beneficial for your brain.

Foods for the brain’s functions
The foods written below can help anyone in enhancing memory, increasing concentration, making you responsive, active, alert, ambitious and a person who can undergo any kind of stress without losing hope. These foods even slow down the process of aging and degeneration of cells of the brain.
The fruits which are beneficial to brain health and functions include apples, oranges, grapefruits, grapes, and cherries. These all fruits possess a low glycemic index. Fruits accurately strengthen the brain. These fruits possess certain substances that help stimulate the important brain systems that facilitate important cognitive skills as well as increase memory. It is important to note that eating fruit is good enough than drinking artificially flavored juices.
Nuts are considered to be the most important foods, especially for the brain. These include walnuts, almonds, and cashews. You have noticed that the shape of the walnut is exactly like our brain has a hard covering like of skull and paper-like coverings like our brain membranes. It is said these nuts clean up the brain, enhance serotonin release which is the neurotransmitter that controls moods, and helps in improving certain brain dysfunctions such as insomnia, behavioral disorders, depression, etc
Green Tea
It is an amazing beverage not only tastes-wise but also for our brain and in fact for our body. It makes our memory sharp and helps us to fight against brain exhaustion. The presence of catechins provides a relaxing and soothing effect on our brains.
Legumes For Brain
These include kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, and soybeans, and are considered good brain foods being low in glycemic index.
Other various important foods great for the brain include avocados, eggs, brown rice, milk, romaine lettuce, yogurt, spinach, peas, broccoli, flaxseed oil, and many other foods.
Boost your brain functions with natural brain supplements
The human brain needs an adequate amount of nutrients to synthesize neurotransmitters necessary for a wide range of emotions and human well-being. If the diet is poor in nutrients, this will lead to brain malfunctioning and many chronic diseases e.g. Depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinsonism, etc. Some of the natural brain supplements that help to boost your brain are as follows:
- Ginkgo biloba: It improves short-term memory and enhances the ability of the brain to use glucose.
- Valerian Root
- Gotu kola: It supports brain function and has an unusual affinity for the cerebral cortex.
- Passion Flowers
- Folic Acid: In the brain, it acts as an antioxidant.
- Hops
- Vitamin B complex: They prevent dementia, mood changes, and fatigue.
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Carnitine
- Phosphatidylserine and choline: They improve mood and are antidepressants and antianxiety.
- Hydroxytryptophan: It acts as a transmitter in the brain.
These should be included in everyone’s diet to live a healthy life. They should be in a specific combination to enhance brain activity properly. Natural Nutritional supplements thus enable the brain to achieve a natural balance and help you to think and act being optimistically and also helpful in alleviating sluggishness and lethargy and panic feelings!